Whoa...2 postings in one week?! What's going on? Well, I figured since Maverick went to the doctor today for his 15-month well check, I better keep everyone posted. He weighed in at 22# 2 oz, and is 32 1/2 " tall. He grew 2 inches in 3 months! He's still a tall skinny boy. The biggest thing we need to work on is his words. The doctor thinks that since Maverick has been so focused on physical feats (stacking blocks, using his fork), he's put talking on the back burner. I'm sure he'll be talking up a storm in no time.

Yesterday, Maverick was bound and determined to go outside even though it was chilly and 50 degrees outside. He was going crazy in the house and practically clawing at the door, so I gave in. We went and had our first excursion at the park. We had fun walking around and climbing on toys.

He really enjoyed going down the slide. It'll be fun when he can do it on his own so he can go as much as he wants. My arms were getting tired!!
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