Here's Maverick being stronger than ever! We had a good weekend. On Saturday we made a spontaneous trip to Hartington, NE for their 125th Anniversary Celebration. The parade started at 1:00, and we left Vermillion at 12:30. We got there just as the first float was making its way down the street. Of course, Jesse was yelling "CANDY" the entire time. We got lots of yummies during the 2-hr parade. We stopped at a good restaurant in Newcastle called the Copperstop on our way home. We met a little old couple-both were 90! They were fun to visit with. They also invited us to the Newcastle Labor Day Celebration...maybe we'll have to make another trip over the bridge. This week Maverick has his 4-month check up. We visited a new baby in the hospital on Friday and it's so hard to believe Maverick was once that small. The time is flying!
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