Sunday, May 25, 2008
Parades, Parades!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Tulip Time

For the 4th consecutive year, we have represented our Dutch heritage at the Tulip Time Festival in Orange City, IA. To think, Jesse actually didn't want to go this year. It's a good thing we did because this is the first time the tulips were still in bloom, and boy, were they gorgeous! There were so many different colors and varieties. And, this year, we were even there early enough to get Dutch letters...of course, they were still all S's. Jesse will go to his grave wishing they made the letter J. Maverick was pretty good all day. It was really windy. We left before the parade was over, but it is the same every year, so we didn't miss much!

Although he wasn't in costume, we thought we had the cutest kid at the festival. We're hoping to get him dressed up next year. Maverick has really taken to drooling...sometimes he's like a little puppy.
We like to think that we can get Maverick to "see" and "smell" the flowers, but he really has no idea what we want him to do. The bright colors were catching his attention though!
At the end of the day, we had a very tuckered out little baby boy. He was asleep in no time in the car. We stopped at the Ice Cream Capital of the World (LeMars, IA) and had a cone. It was great. It was much fresher that the store...right. It was a cute little ice cream parlor. When we got back to Vermillion, our friend Angelica stayed with Maverick and we headed to the new Narnia movie; we both really liked it. I also helped plant the garden this weekend. We're having a community garden at our pastor's house. More on that to come.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Going Away Party

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Here's the gang that was able to make it to the baptism!
Maverick was baptised on Sunday and what a beautiful day it was! It was a great day we shared with all of our family (we were only missing Ahna, Grandma, Sue, and the girls). The service went well; Maverick hardly cried when he got dowsed with the water! The weather was gorgeous. After church we had a reception with our cake with the fighter plane on it-it was awesome and tasted good too! After that, we went home and had a great lunch. Maverick got some neat gifts. However, there was one that stood above the rest-the brown bomber jacket from uncle Jeff.
You can see I'm pretty impressed. After lunch we went to the park and played football and frisbee.
And here's Maverick just being cute and lounging in his boppy. He was so exhausted after all of his company that he only work up 1 time last night. I'm hoping to get a repeat. Thanks again to everyone who was able to come visit this weekend. It was a lot of fun! And, Happy 20th Birthday to Ahna today!!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
He Rolled!
We are so excited-Maverick rolled from his stomach to his back yesterday! Luckily, Jesse and Grandma Carola were also here to witness it-I'm not sure they would have believed me. He rolled 3 times before he was tuckered out. He's continuing to grow like a weed. This is a big weekend-he's getting baptised tomorrow, and it's my first Mother's Day! My parents will be arriving tonight as well as Greg and Seth.
Jesse is super excited for the Hy-Vee cake we'll be serving after church. I can't wait for everyone to see the decorating on it! We'll also be having Jones soda-yum!!
It's been a busy couple of weeks. I haven't been able to update the blog because our computer had a virus. Two weeks ago Maverick went on his first airplane trip. We went to Michigan for Seth's college graduation. Congrats Seth!! His fiance Kari also graduated from college the same weekend. It was great to see everyone. Maverick was great on the plane; he slept both flights. We've also been trying to get outside in the stroller. Maverick likes riding in the stroller minus the car seat. He likes to look around. 
This is the diaper cake I made for my friend Jess' baby shower. I think it was the most creative thing I've ever made. I was pretty proud. And, it was great because Jesse even helped!
We're always excited to find Maverick's name in new places. We're not promoting smoking by any means, but here's his name again!
Here's Maverick's first tip-toe in the grass. We're in Grandma Carola's flower garden. Maverick didn't know what to think of the prickly grass!
Today we're heading to Sioux Falls for our friends Robbi and Brian's wedding. We'll also be hitting Jennifer's law school graduation party! It's a busy weekend! I'll be sure to update sooner so there's not SO much at one time!
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