This past week was exciting for us because Papa Jerry and Grandma Tootie visited from South Dakota! Papa Jerry even got on a plane for the first time ever, and I think he liked it. We had fun going to the beach, visiting, sight seeing, and just playing like crazy in the back yard. Of course, it was hard to see them go today, but I guess they couldn't stay forever.
The crew.
This is just too precious. Today I took mom and dad to the Real Food Cafe a local staple in Alger Heights. We had a great breakfast, and Everett had the chance to take a snooze on grandma.
Grandma and Maverick. Maverick has gotten to the point that if you take out a camera he just starts saying, "Cheese." However, he rarely looks at the camera. He just keeps doing what he's doing while saying it. It's actually pretty funny.
Maverick and Papa had a great time playing out in the yard. They played in the sand, played with the trike, and even did some dancing! The day I worked, they swept up all of the leaves on our cement pad with my brand new push broom. Thanks Dad!
On Monday we headed to Meijer Gardens to see the sculptures and Chahuly exhibit. It was a beautiful morning. Everett was in his stroller for 3 hours! He just took it all in and then took a snooze. He's such a good baby. Maverick's favorite spot is the waterfall with the Koi fish. We even got the chance to feed them. Lots of fun!
Just watching the fish.
On Saturday we headed to Holland to see Carola, and we went to see Lake Michigan. The weather had been cooler in the day so we didn't bring suits. Well, it decided to warm up. Poor Maverick looked like an orphan. He had been playing in the mud and grass at Oma Carola's and was absolutely filthy when we went to the beach. To top it off, he didn't have his swim trunks. Oh well. Mom and dad were very impressed with the sandy beach and Maverick got to clean up in the water!
My orphan in his diaper.
Grandma and happy Everett.
Almost always a happy boy.
Leave it to grandpa to find the mud. He wasn't in Michigan 24 hours before he and Maverick made a huge mess. Of course they had a blast!
So, the funny story of the week. We went out for supper at the Beltline Bar to have burritos. For dessert we decided to get fried ice cream because it sounded so good. Maverick had been fantastic the entire meal. He ate a condiment cup of onions (not joking), some sour cream, a ton of chips and salsa, and most of his food. I was so proud. Well, the ice cream arrived. Surrounding the ice cream were these cinnamon sticks. Maverick was being sweet and offered me a bite of whip cream. I assumed he had put the whip cream on a cinnamon stick; however, it was all on his finger. I bit down like I was eating a cinnamon stick and bit down right on his finger! He just started to scream. I felt so bad. Of course, everyone in the restaurant was staring at us. But, what can you do? Now, Maverick goes around, "Mommy bit my finger," and has to show you the exact location.
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