Monday, April 19, 2010

Ready to Make the Move

This past week we took a road trip to explore our new home in Grand Rapids, MI. The kids did great in the car, and we were able to make it with only 3 stops. We thought we had found a house, but we were disappointed to find out the house probably wouldn't be available the entire 3 years. However, we found another great house, and it looks like we will be signing a lease this week! We are very excited. Once it's finalized, I'll post the pictures. Here's Everett getting a bath at Grandpa Greg's house. He likes his baths.
Everett and Aunt Ahna. While we were visiting, Ahna found out she got accepted to nursing school in Alabama!! We are so excited for her, but we sure will miss her. Luckily, she'll be sticking around til mid-June, so we have a few weeks to enjoy together.
Great-grandma Ruth and Everett.
At Greg's, we enjoyed the beautiful weather by playing some outdoor games. We were so sore the next day. I hadn't run in ages.
While we played, Maverick zoomed around in his Barbie car. He even off-roaded a few times, and we had to pull him out of the dirt.
At Carola's we had a Easter Egg hunt, and Maverick thoroughly enjoyed looking at and eating his candy.
The family after the hunt.
Oma Carola and Everett.

Everett and I enjoying bath time.
Best of buds! I love these kids!

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