Well, our first Christmas as a family has come and gone. It is hard to believe it went so fast. More than that, it is hard to believe that Maverick will be celebrating his 1st birthday in 2 weeks! Over the holidays, we had a chance to see a lot of family! We were at my sister Jennifer's in Omaha for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. We had to come home on Friday for Jesse to go to work. We then headed to Michigan for about 5 days to see all of Jesse's family! We had a wonderful time at both places! The only bummer is that Maverick had the flu...and managed to pass it on to at least 10

Maverick was not really into opening presents. He would rip a little piece of paper off, then get distracted and move on to other things.

Maverick was the first and probably only person to ride on Grandpa
Brower's new deer decoy!

Wow-he's actually looking in the box. Maverick had a great Christmas and received lots of new toys to play with!

Of course, Maverick absolutely LOVED the cat toy at
Oma Carola's. He looked like a cat that just caught a bird!

This was the first day that Maverick climbed into the cupboard.

So, this is probably the picture of the trip-not for those with a weak stomach! We were all playing Catch Phrase and Maverick climbed over to Seth. Seth picked Maverick up, put him above his head, and Maverick proceeded to puke right on Seth and in Seth's mouth! It was absolutely hilarious. Needless to say, Seth had the flu within a matter of days. If only we would have had a camcorder; we could be winning the next $10,000 on America's Funniest Home Videos! Thanks for being such a good sport Seth-sorry we didn't have any plastic gloves.
Good to see what the Van Heukeloms are up to! Hope to see you guys soon... will you be able to come to our wedding 10/10 in Minneapolis?
Hey, I'm the second Glanzer to comment on your post!
The video clip of Maverick is adorable. He grew up SO FAST! It just seems like yesterday we were coming to visit you in the hospital...and before you know it, Hudson will be a year old too! :(
You guys should have been more clear about "'tis better to give..." to Maverick! lol Sounds like he did an awful lot of giving this Christmas. It's too bad he had to be sick, but he looked to be quite happy, anyway. And that picture of Seth with vomit all over his face is classic.
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