Big THANKS to my friends Jan and Jennifer for hosting a shower for Maverick a couple of weeks ago. We had a great time and received lots of wonderful presents. One of my
favs or rather probably will be Mavericks is the
Exer-saucer!! I can't wait for him to get in it. He also got lots of great summer clothes and toys. There were about 15 people able to attend. Brook was pretty upset because this is the first baby shower he's been to, and he was appalled that he couldn't keep the prize for winning the game! I told him that if he'd like the pacifier, he's more than welcome to keep it!!

Here we are with our delicious Cake by Monica. It was chocolate on chocolate on chocolate-it was amazing!

Here's a glimpse at all the party-goers and presents!! Opening gifts is always fun! A big thanks to everyone who was able to come. We had a lot of fun playing games and visiting!
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