Thursday, March 25, 2010

How big is Everett?

Everett is SO big! Today Everett had his 2-month check up, and he is growing like a weed. You would never know he was the boy who was in the hospital when he was just 3 weeks old. He is currently 12# 11 oz and 25 inches long. If 25 inches seems long, it is! He is in the 95 percentile for height. The doctor just said, "Man, he's long." He's meeting all 2-month milestones. He had 3 shots and one oral vaccine today, so he's not the happiest this afternoon. SO big!
Everett's smiles come and go so quickly that we were happy to get one on camera, even though that's the only thing we got! Our friend Jennifer came and spent this past weekend with us. We got to go to "The Beauty & the Beast" musical in Sioux City on Saturday which was a lot of fun. On Sunday morning we had pancakes, and Maverick decided he needed just a little bit more to eat before he took his shower! Jennifer was speechless.
Everett & Maverick hanging out.
Everett and his big baby googly eyes.

Kathy & Everett at the farm.
You can never have too many pictures of a 2-year-old driving a tractor. The farm is a haven for kids and we were sure miss it.
Maverick, Grandpa Jerry and those cows! We forgot Maverick's snow boots so we had to improvise. We put Walmart bags around his feet and legs and secured it with packing tape. Luckily, we had his farm shoes, so they went over top. His feet stayed surprisingly dry.

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