Friday, August 7, 2009

Ode to Oma

This week we have had quite the treat! While our regular daycare provider is on vacation, Oma Carola volunteered to come stay with Maverick for the week. They had an awesome time together! Their regular routine everyday consisted of a bike ride, stroller ride, and a baby cone at McDonald's. We're going to have a spoiled boy on our hands! On the first day we ventured off to the pool. Because I'm not a huge water fan, Carola took him in the water. He loved being pulled around the water.
Hangin' outside. Maverick is sometimes pretty sneaky. He likes to think he can get away with more than we know. However, we usually have a pretty good idea! He can sure give you the look though.

Playing on all the fun playground equipment.
Ice cream is the best! We went to the new ice cream shop in town to enjoy a cone. Boy, were they good. It was also nice Jesse could take a short break.
Maverick's favorite thing was Oma's electric toothbrush. Now, his new favorite thing is HIS new electric toothbrush. Man, he loves that thing. What an easy and fun way to brush his teeth! We didn't look, but we're guessing the package says something to the effect "Do not give to children under 2." Either way, we don't care, he loves it!
Ok, so I think this is one of the best pictures I've ever taken of Maverick. We went back to the pool today with Jesse, and he really had a good time. It was almost 90 degrees here today. He even did alright when the pool closed, and we had to get out of the pool.
Maverick sure enjoyed having his Oma here in Vermillion this week. Luckily, he'll be in Michigan in 2 short months. Next week he heads to the farm to stay with Grandma & Grandpa, so he's in for another fun, spoiled week! Watch out garden!

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