Friday, March 28, 2008

Well, Maverick is 2 months old, and I'm finally getting this thing up and going! A baby sure does change a person's life! Maverick is growing bigger everyday and getting more interactive. He just hit the 11 lb mark and is about 24" long. Last week he started smiling which is absolutely amazing. I find myself sitting and staring at him all the time. We're becoming good friends!

Jesse is good too! He just completed his 2nd year of classwork. His last few weeks will be spent working with a doctor here in Vermillion. A little bit of the pressure of studying has been relieved so Jesse has had more time to get to know his son.

Each day I'm getting more anxious for spring. The snow can stop anytime.

We have been blessed with visitors! Maverick has had the chance to meet all of his immediate family. It has been a lot of fun to have everyone here especially with Jesse's hectic study schedule.

The first visitor was my mom (right) who stayed for about 4 days. She was a great help...she did all the jobs I've been putting off like cleaning my microwave =) She even got us a much needed mop! The house was spic and span when she left.

Jesse's mom Carola was next to visit. Maverick became her little "Peanut." Although she's in Michigan she gets to see him often with her webcam! She'll be back for her spring break in April!

Grandpa Van Heukelom and Great-Grandma Ruth also made a visit! We got to see grandma again last week in Sioux Falls while she was visiting Gary. She was excited to give Maverick his bottle. They'll be back for baptism in May. Sue, Anna, Millie, and Lexi also made a visit. Unfortunately, I don't have any good pictures from their visit. The girls had a great time with Maverick!

1 comment:

Grandpa said...

what an awesome kid.....