Here's a clip of Maverick crawling!! He's also pulling himself up to the couch. Sorry the lighting isn't the best...that's what we get for living in a basement!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Watch Out, Maverick is Crawling!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Happy October
Well, here it is October, and Maverick is almost 9 months old! We recently took a trip to Garrity's the local pumpkin patch and apple orchard. As you can see, Maverick was thoroughly enjoying his apple! We had a lot of fun picking apples and playing with the kitty and the goat! Grandpa Greg and Great-grandma Ruth will be visiting this next week. Grandma Arlene will be having her hip replacement surgery on Wednesday. And, I'll be going on my golden birthday girl weekend with Molly on Friday!! Maverick will be spending the weekend away with the Thompson's in Omaha. It will be our first time apart from his since he was born!

Here we are at Haley's wedding in September!
Maverick and dad chilling on the couch.
Maverick loves sticking his feet out of the tub while he bathes. He's just funny!
The goat.
Help me please.
Nice kitty.
Pumpkin for pumpkin. It's also his Halloween costume. If you know Jesse, we'll be using Maverick to load up on candy!!

Saturday, September 20, 2008
Hello Again!
Ok, so it has been awhile again....our apologies (especially to Great-Grandma)! So, we'll just bombard you all with pictures because that's what you all want anyway! Construction started this past week on our apartment, and it is almost complete. It's been a heck of a week, but it's almost done! Jesse has been busy with school, Kathy with work, and Maverick is just growing and being sick. He had strep throat 2 weeks ago and now has a cold. We think that he "really" is getting teeth now. He has been really fussy the past day and just inconsolable.
More Tailgating with the CoffeeLoft.
Maverick is in Aaron's shadow to avoid sunburn!
At the football game!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
We didn't fall off the face of the Earth
Ok, so we are still alive. Sorry for the delay in posts. We have been so busy with the 4th of July, traveling to Michigan, Jesse's test, Jesse starting his 3rd year of school, and me starting my job (which I'm sure most of you don't even know about!) I got a part-time job at South Dakota Public Broadcasting which comes with benefits which is totally awesome! Enough blab, you want to see the pics!
Here's Maverick chilling in his stroller. Carlee was pushing him all around the farm!
Jesse and all of his fireworks! He was being a bad example...
Maverick and Grandma Arlene just hanging out at the park on the 4th of July.
Here's Grandpa Jerry, Jesse, Cristian, and Brandon in the Willow Lake 125th Celebration Parade. The parade was hilarious. There were maybe 10 actual floats, 50 old cars, and what seemed like 100 old tractors! Lots of candy though. Dad threw out popsicles which was a hit!
Maverick in hit swim garb. He looks like a surfer-dude.
Maverick and Uncle Seth. Maverick is wearing a doll's hat.
Maverick took his first dip in a pool. I'm not sure you can count it as the real deal since it was a 95 degree therapy pool. He's swimming with Anna, Lexi, Millie, and Grandma Sue!
While in Michigan, the main event was Seth and Kari's wedding. It was a gorgeous day and a beautiful ceremony. Maverick partied with all of us until midnight!
Here's Maverick just being cute. He weighed 16#10 oz and was 27 1/2 in at his 6-month check-up yesterday! He's a healthy little boy!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Three Blissful Years
Wow, it's crazy to think that just 3 years ago Jesse and I got married! Oh, how our lives have changed. Not only that, but it's been a busy 3 years. I started my first "real" job at USD. Jesse graduated college, entered med school, and now has 2 years done. Not only that, but we've become parents!! Let's look back at a few of the highlights...obviously, the wedding was a BIG day. It was a blast.

This was our trip to Washington, D.C. where Jesse presented his chemistry research. We got the chance to meet all 3 SD representatives. Here we are with John Thune; he is a really tall guy!! It was great seeing the sights.
This is a picture in Morocco overlooking the ocean. To Jesse's dad surprise neither Ahna or I were kidnapped! This was the day I had camel poo all over my shoe and the tour guy was yelling at me to "just get in the van, we have to go." A whole different world.
To this day, we don't know what we were thinking dressing up as clowns for Halloween. We looked like idiots! I really think we could have spent our money more wisely =) When Jesse and I look at this picture, we just shake our heads. Wow, we're weird.
This was our trip to Kansas City. I had a national college fair to go to, which we almost missed, that Jesse got to go along to! We were so lost looking for the high school. Luckily, Jesse navigated us to the right place. Not sure what I would have told my boss! We got to go to a Royals game-it was so windy that day. We also ate at George Brett's restaurant and added a glass to our collection.
And, Vegas; that was a lot of fun too! Throughout all of these adventures, there's no one else I would want to go with. Jesse brings the fun and love into my life and I thank God for him everyday. Really, how many get to marry their high-school sweetheart that they met October of their kindergarten year? To many more happy years.

Here we are in Ireland. That was an amazing trip! We also visited London, Spain, and Morocco. The picture over the river was our first morning in Ireland after our red-eye flight. We were exhausted but ready to go. After endless searching, we finally found a coffee shop where we could get our french vanilla latte! Of course we also had to take our matching red D-Days coats. Jesse and I are already known as that "old couple" who dress the same. This was our countryside tour of Ireland.

Thursday, June 19, 2008
It's been awhile
Well, it's been awhile since I've made an entry. The time seems to be flying. Jesse is continuing to study for his test on July 1st. Maverick and I have been busy going for walks. We made a trip back to the farm a couple of weekends ago. We helped celebrate the Spirit Lake Church 125 year anniversary. We were also home to celebrate dad's birthday! After countless trips to Walmart, Target, and Kmart, I had to settle with Catch Phrase for dad's birthday even though I wanted to get him Sequence. Apparently, it's only a "holiday" game and not regularly stocked. It's a good thing mom and dad don't have the internet because dad will know his Christmas present!
Jesse also had a great time reconnecting with nature. We went out picking wild asparagus and found this skull. Pretty cool...
Jesse climbing the windmill up north. He has mad skills; the new Spiderman!
And, you can't beat a South Dakota sunset. Jesse was also practicing his photography skills.

Now, on to Maverick! At his 4 month check up he was 26" long and weighed 14 lbs 6 oz. The doctor said there was just a 9-month old in who was 26" long! He's already outgrowing 9-month summer clothes. He has a spit-beard. He wants to be like his dad!

Now, on to Maverick! At his 4 month check up he was 26" long and weighed 14 lbs 6 oz. The doctor said there was just a 9-month old in who was 26" long! He's already outgrowing 9-month summer clothes. He has a spit-beard. He wants to be like his dad!
Maverick and Jesse just chillin' in their undies!
Maverick is discovering his tongue and becoming a spit master. He thinks it's pretty fun!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Parades, Parades!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Tulip Time

For the 4th consecutive year, we have represented our Dutch heritage at the Tulip Time Festival in Orange City, IA. To think, Jesse actually didn't want to go this year. It's a good thing we did because this is the first time the tulips were still in bloom, and boy, were they gorgeous! There were so many different colors and varieties. And, this year, we were even there early enough to get Dutch letters...of course, they were still all S's. Jesse will go to his grave wishing they made the letter J. Maverick was pretty good all day. It was really windy. We left before the parade was over, but it is the same every year, so we didn't miss much!

Although he wasn't in costume, we thought we had the cutest kid at the festival. We're hoping to get him dressed up next year. Maverick has really taken to drooling...sometimes he's like a little puppy.
We like to think that we can get Maverick to "see" and "smell" the flowers, but he really has no idea what we want him to do. The bright colors were catching his attention though!
At the end of the day, we had a very tuckered out little baby boy. He was asleep in no time in the car. We stopped at the Ice Cream Capital of the World (LeMars, IA) and had a cone. It was great. It was much fresher that the store...right. It was a cute little ice cream parlor. When we got back to Vermillion, our friend Angelica stayed with Maverick and we headed to the new Narnia movie; we both really liked it. I also helped plant the garden this weekend. We're having a community garden at our pastor's house. More on that to come.
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