Last night, we hosted our very first birthday party for the boys! Maverick was SO excited. He was anxious for cake and candles and singing!! He even sang Happy Birthday to himself and Everett. It was a great evening, and we were so blessed to have our family there to help celebrate. And, of coarse, the boys were spoiled rotten!
Stan, Carolyn, Oma Carola, Pookey, Gma Sue, Papa Greg, Jesse, Everett, Kathy & Maverick
Maverick showing off his Toy Story 3 cake. It's supposed to be Andy's bed with some of his toys.
I had my first experience with fondant. It went pretty well, and I was pleased with how the cake turned out. I'm just thankful the boys were not home or I think I would have pulled my hair out.
Everett enjoying his "Fun to be 1" cake. He got right into it. Luckily, we got it all on video. Maverick loves watching home videos, so we can watch it anytime you want to visit.
Yum, yum.
Getting every last bite.
Maverick opening his presents. It was so funny because his favorite was the $1 boat from Wal-mart. We were joking we should have all just gone in on it and saved our money!
More fun and presents!
Having cake. Maverick had a bit of a belly ache after all that cake and ice cream, but that's ok. He had a fun night. It was kinda crazy because everyone was gone by 6:47! You know it was a rager.
Darla exposing Maverick to the world of technology and apps. He was having a blast playing with some alley cat. Jesse had to download the app on him phone.
Well, until next year, when the boys will be 4 and 2. Now, that's a crazy thought!