Sunday, June 14, 2009

Crevier's Unite!

Today was quite the day! The highlight was getting to see my friend Haley's new baby girl, Kali! What a sweetie. She was so content. I couldn't believe it. Maybe our next kid will be like her because I know Maverick sure wasn't!! She was happy to sit in her car seat and just coo. We didn't let Maverick get to close because he was feeling a bit under the weather. I think he has a stomach bug. I will be staying home with him tomorrow especially after his projectile vomiting ordeal in the car. I have a big day of cleaning tomorrow. However, he took it all in stride and wasn't too crabby! Here's the clan! Jeromie, Jennifer, me, Maverick, Jesse, Haley, Kali, and Kirk! For those of you who don't know (most of you don't), Jennifer, Myself, and Haley had this weird obsession with the traveling basketball wizards Tanya & Bruce Crevier. The two could spin basketballs like they were going out of style. They did weird tricks with basketballs spinning on pencils and could spin like 33 basketballs on their bodies. We could only dream!!
Earlier in the day, we got to go to my nephew Cristian's triathlon in Sioux Falls. What a feat! He swam 100 yards, biked 3.5 miles, and ran just over 1/2 mile. He did a great job finishing 6th. I know he would have blown me out of the water.

Maverick was great at cheering. This was before he was sick.

Cristian chilling after the race. I bet he was worn out!

Maverick was hanging out in his new $3 stroller. He was so good today.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Turtle Days

Today my friend Evie and I were part of the single mom's club because both of our hubbies were working all day, so we decided to load up the 4 kids and head to the metropolis of Volin for their annual Turtle Days event! I grew up in a small town so I'm used to short small-town parades, but man, this was short...a whole 20 minutes! There were probably about 10 floats, 1 tractor, 2 crop sprayers, 6 fire trucks, and 3 obnoxious lawnmowers with no mufflers. These things were awful. As most of you know, Maverick is not one to be restrained, but he had his head buried in my shoulder bc these things were so terribly loud. It seemed like they just wouldn't stop! Here are the turtles gearing up for the races. Personally, I think they're planning their escape route. As many know, I'm not a turtle fan, so I did not participate in any turtle race. Some people were holding them and touching them like crazy. Don't they know how many diseases those things carry? Not only that, but they'll bite off your toe. Seriously, they will.
This is the closest we got to racing.

Maverick and his buddy Austin. Isn't this so darn cute? It was the first time Maverick initiated a hug.

Elaine, Aden, Austin, and Maverick waiting for the parade. Needless to say, they didn't hang in their strollers for very long. Maverick is his father's son, he did a great job collecting candy. I gave his first lesson on good candy vs cheap candy! We need to do some more work. Maybe we'll practice in the yard.
Maverick's new thing is climbing up into the recliner. This time he just happened to have a book-don't let him fool you, he looked at it for about 2 seconds. At least it's a start!
This is a tribute to Jesse's grandma-you're not the only one who cuts heads off in pictures. Jesse does a really good job at it too!!
A rare picture of Maverick and me.
So, the other night before bed, I though I'd get some snapshots. Maverick has obviously figured out that he's supposed to make some kind of face when the camera comes out, but he hasn't quite figured out which one. This one is cute, but...
Can we say, "Cheesy?"


When we're done, we're done!