Friday, December 4, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Tonight Maverick and I headed to the first Parade of Lights in Vermillion. Although the parade only lasted about 10 minutes, it was fun to get out. It was a great night. It was cold, but there was no wind which makes all the difference in SD! After the parade, we headed to the library to make a stocking. Well, I made the stocking. Maverick helped by throwing our scraps away. Here's Maverick showcasing our work. Please excuse the pacifier; it was late and past bedtime!!
My marshmallow of a son and Santa!! Maverick wasn't scared at all. At this point, he was very toasty, and I think he could have fell asleep on Santa's lap. He did say "Bye" though.
Here's one of the trucks decorated for the parade. After the parade, they lit the city Christmas tree which was nice. I'm going to miss Vermillion and the small town feeling. It's been a great place to live and start our family.
Maverick was bundled up in his snow pants, marshmallow coat, and ovenmit mittens.
And, Jesse is returning tonight after being on the road for interviews and an externship for 3 weeks. Can't wait to have him home!!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Fun at the Farm!

Maverick and I loaded up on Friday and headed to the farm. The idea of spending the entire weekend in Vermillion alone did not seem like a good one. A better idea seemed like heading out and getting spoiled! Maverick LOVES the cows. He got to go out with grandpa Jerry and feed them their cubes. It's amazing how tame these cows are.
Maverick tried to hand feed one, but of course he grabbed a cube that was about 1 inch long. I think, actually I know, I was more scared of the cows than he was. There's just something about having an 800 pound animal feet away.

The cows are very curious about this little boy, especially the boy in the RED hat! Can anyone say, "Charge!" No fear. Luckily, the cows just want their cubes.

Silly ducks. The heater was turned on in the garage, so Maverick and grandpa played and played which included putting plastic bowls on their heads as hats. Maverick is quite a character; takes one to know one.
Our little devil. Maverick found this in grandma's storage of toys. I think it belonged to his cousin Cristian. Once he finds something he likes, he won't let go.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Home Sweet Home!

After 6 weeks on the road, Maverick is finally home! He had a great time staying with his family in Michigan, or so I think at least. We got home late last Friday night and he was so excited to see his toys. He just had to go around and touch all of them. When he went to daycare on Monday, he went around and patted all of his friends. Throughout the day, he went up to the daycare lady at least 20 times and said "Hi." Like, "Do you remember me?" He was very happy to see his buddies!
Maverick is just turning into such a little boy.

We found a backhoe (or as Maverick says, backpoe) on Saturday on our trip to Hy-Vee and just had to stop. Maverick loves tractors and big machinery. Can't wait for our trip next week to the farm so he can see grandpa Jerry's tractors!

Maverick is the next skater boy. He absolutely loved teetering on this thing. His reflexes and balance are pretty impressive for a kid who isn't even 2. They're better than mine which isn't saying much.

And, he loved the cozy coupe. It was the best when someone could just push him around and he could hang!

Maverick as tigger for Halloween. He went to a wildlife preserve for trick-or-treating. They got to see some pretty cool animals.
Jesse is back on the road. He left Sunday morning for a week of interviews. He'll then head to Grand Rapids, MI for a 2-week rotation. We miss him lots, but know the time will pass quickly!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Fun in Michigan

Wow, I have no idea where the month of October went! We made a trip to Minneapolis for our friend Ryan's wedding before packing up and heading to Chicago for Jesse's test and then to Michigan for Jesse's externship at the Kalamazoo hospital. Everyone says they have a hard time keeping track of our schedule, well, I do to! I came back to SD alone after spending just over a week in MI. Maverick and Jesse will be staying out there for 2 more weeks before I return. We will then come home, and Jesse will stay home for 1 night before heading out for interviews and another 2 week externship in Grand Rapids. Luckily, he'll be home mid-December with time to spare before the new baby arrives!! Maverick is finally big enough to sport his bomber jacket he got from uncle Jeff more than a year ago. I'm not sure how the red tasseled hat fits into the picture, but he needs something to keep his ears warm!
Maverick and uncle Seth enjoying the music.
Our family.
We had a group family picture taken, and we wore green, obviously. Maverick was so good for the pictures.
Jesse loving Beatles Rock band. Even if no one would play with him, he'd be a one-man band.

Maverick was often the drummer.

Every time I watch this video, I about die! Jesse's mom had recently pledged her wood floors which made them SO slippery for Maverick's pj's. As soon as he would walk into one of the bedrooms, he would bif it. So, we decided to slide him across the floor. At first, his head was getting caught up, and Jesse suggested we put a wash cloth under it to keep it from sticking. I had a better idea to use his winter hat, and boy, did it work well! Maverick had an awesome time!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Is it a Sign??

Peyton Manning Children's Hospital at St.Vincent in Indianapolis, Indiana. I do love Peyton.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Day at Garrity's

Yesterday, we made our annual trip to Garrity's the local apple orchard and pumpkin patch. Luckily it's a quick trip because it was chilly!! Maverick had 2 coats on. Oh, and we had our first "Where's Maverick" scare. Usually, we turn around, and he's somewhere within sight. However, we turned around and he was missing. We found him within a minute in the hay bale maze. As we always say, Maverick has no fear of being lost what-so-ever. That is why we will definitely be getting a fenced-in yard when we move...maybe even electric! Anyways, here are the pics from our day out. Maverick as a big pumpkin. The family. We had a picture taken here last year, so it's neat to compare. And, yes, before anyone asks, I am 25 weeks pregnant. Come look at the scale, it's really there!!
A much warmer day a year ago. Maverick has really turned into a little boy.
We brought home Regent and Honeycrisp apples along with homemade apple cider. Oh, so good!
Maverick on the hay bale.
Dad and Maverick enjoying an apple. We like Regent the best.
More for the pickin'. It's the most fun to pick your own apples.
Maverick and the goats. He wouldn't pet them though.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Add University of Iowa to the List

That's pretty much all there is to say about that! Maybe we'll end up where all the other Van Heukelom doctors are in Iowa City. I'll continue to keep you all posted. Now we just have to schedule all this craziness.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Flu Shots, Pinwheels, & Cheese balls

On Thursday, I had the great idea that Maverick and I both get our flu shot. It seemed harmless enough, until Maverick woke up on Friday morning with a fever and was completely out of it. Luckily, Jesse had the day off (except for the fact that he was going to go work on his research all day), so he was able to stay home with Maverick. Meds brought the fever down, but he wasn't feeling the best until today, Sunday. Needless to say, we also had to cancel our babysitter we had for the Coyotes game yesterday; it was probably going to be the last game we EVER went to, but that's ok, it was on TV. Maverick and I looking cute. He is very attached to his pacifier, however, he only uses it in the house. As soon as we say we're leaving and going somewhere, he puts it away in his crib!

Saturday was the most beautiful fall day! I was feeling like junk food, so Maverick and I had chips, cheese balls, and a Mello Yello for me! Being sick let's you break the rules, so Maverick ate all the cheese balls he wanted!
Here's the pinwheel Maverick got after his shot. He played with it for about 5 minutes then was done. Actually, he lost it when we were riding the bikes back home, he stuck the pinwheel out, and it got caught in Jesse's bike tire, and flew away. It was pretty funny! Maverick really didn't care.
Maverick and I.
And, Jesse. He loves Maverick's blocks. He's always building these elaborate structures while Maverick naps. Maverick undoubtedly destroys them within 5 minutes of being up each time.
And an exciting note, Jesse has 3 interviews scheduled already!! We are very excited. So far, he is interviewing in Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, and St. Louis!! I am so proud of him. He'll be gone a lot this fall, but I'd rather have him gone then versus after the new baby.
Ahna recently emailed this picture to me. It seems everyone likes getting their picture taken next to something that reminds them of Maverick!! They were having a fun day at Cedar Point in Ohio! Wish we had been there. I could have held their sunglasses while they rode the rides.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Oh, How we love Austin Playground!

Already I'm worked up about what's going to happen when it gets cold and the sand at Austin playground freezes! It has been such a sanctuary for us. Everyday after nap, Maverick and I load up the bike and head for the playground. He burns off his energy and usually gets to play with other kids. I better start saving our pennies to invest in a super warm snowsuit! It's a bird, it's a plane, it's Superman...really it's a plane. Maverick has ears like a hawk! He can see and spot them a mile away. He even sees the tiny little jets up in the sky. Sometimes I have a hard time picking them out. But, with a name like Maverick, should we expect less?
Maverick pointing it out to dad. Jesse will be finishing up his NICU rotation in Sioux Falls next week. He has absolutely loved it and thinks he may have found his calling. We all know he has the compassion and heart to deal with helpless babies and distressed parents. I think the NICU is lucky to have him around!
Maverick and dad again. Maverick always likes when his dad is around because he's better at playing on the equipment. It's really funny because when Jesse is around Maverick goes on all the toys I get too nervous around. It's much easier for Jesse to maneuver him and lift him up. Maverick knows mom is a little clumsy!
He loves his bucket. Yesterday we tried to go to the playground without the bucket, and he wouldn't have a thing to do with it. There were no other kids there yesterday, so I suppose it would have been a little boring for him. All the other kids love his buckets too when we go. Dollar Store special. We've gotten more use out of $2 worth of toys.
Close up! Maverick rarely gets close to the camera and hardly ever looks at it.

Dig and dump. Dig and dump. He's like a dwarf with one task!
As for me, my MOPS group started again this week which I love! It is a lot of fun to socialize with others moms and to hear about their joys and struggles of motherhood. We are all in the same boat. I am also organizing the annual D-Days Breakfast at our church which is Oct 10th. I always forget how much I love planning events until I'm doing it.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Our Little Princess

S0, on Monday we were at our favorite place, the Austin School playground. While there Maverick found his new tiara! He was running around like crazy with it on his head or rather on his face! He was wearing it as a mask and looking through the holes of it. It was hilarious. I figure since he rules the house, he might as well have the crown! Needless to say when it was time to go, Maverick refused to leave his new prized possession. I apologize to the little girl who left it on the playground for the the taking. Love the crown jewels!

Maverick and Jesse playing basketball at the farm. It was great to have a weekend of R&R. Jesse has since started his rotation in Sioux Falls at the NICU. I think he has gotten more experience in the past 3 days than he has in the past 3 years! Yesterday he got to do a spinal tap on a 34-week preemie baby. Pretty amazing. He has to be in SF by 7 AM which is a blow to his schedule. Luckily he has friends to stay with so he won't have to drive as much. He's on call for the first time tonight. Maverick & I will sure be lonely!
Grandpa and Maverick checking the cows. Maverick LOVES the cows. He took it upon himself to crawl under the fence and start running towards the cows yelling, "Cow, cow."

Our friend Ryan and his fiance Lauren were also home over the weekend, so we got a chance to see them and catch up. They are getting married in October. These two are so tall!
Maverick relaxing after his big slide ride. He is such a character. He has taken to trying to walk down the slide.
And, he's stuck! Good thing the slide is only 2 feet off the ground.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Ready to View

Jordan is all done editing Maverick's pictures, now the decisions begin! You can view them all at Click Enter Site. Then click Client in the upper right corner. Our password is maverick. Enjoy!! I know we did.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

What did I do before this boy??

This week Maverick is spending the week at the farm. This is the first time I've been at home while he's been away. Usually, when he stays with people, Jesse and I have something going on ourselves. I woke up this morning (and it's my day off), and Jesse said, "I haven't seen you this energetic in the morning for a long time." I responded because I don't have anything or anyone to worry about! I can take my shower when want, go where I want, and do what I want! It's bliss! I would have to say I do miss the little guy though. I wonder what he's doing and how much Pepsi grandpa is giving him! I'm actually at the coffee shop now blogging and enjoying an extra-hot half-caf vanilla latte...even though it is 92 degrees. How perfect of a day! Last night I got to have supper with Jennifer, and I'm going to a movie tomorrow night with Molly. Ah, our time in California. I think back and I am so thankful that Jesse & I took advantage of this opportunity. I hope as Maverick and #2 get older, we are able to encourage them to do such things. Great memories!
And vacations. Spain. How cool was that?
But, then, there's Maverick who changed our lives in a new and exciting way we never could have imagined. He makes us laugh and smile everyday!
How sweet. A rare memory because Maverick hardly ever slept while people held him.
So tiny. Can't wait to have another itsy-bitsy baby!